Address: AKt3S5o7Hd7gBHW1dQBTNgMP3BKqw6tJoi
Rank 11
Voters 128
Vote Weight 779,670 Ѧ
Shares Rewards
Payout 85%
Payout min 0 Ѧ
Payout Max 0 Ѧ
Payout Interval 24h

Hi community. I have been moderating ARK's official communication channels such as Discord and Reddit for two years and taking care of the community by providing user support. I also take in charge partnership demands and I'm co writing educative articles about ARK. The Hash delegate was created in the end of March 2023.

Voting for hash and/or hash2 delegate will help support the network with a delegate committed to never lowering the minimum payment below 70%. I will also continue, as I did in the past, to support and try to develop our community side by side with Strake Foundation.

You will find below the sharing percentage applied during hash delegate forging time, in full transparency. Sharing percentage :

  • 95% from May 17th 2023
  • 80% since June 17th 2023
  • 70% since July 29th 2023
  • 80% since November 29th 2023
  • 95% since November 30th 2023
  • 85% since January 4th 2024
  • 90% since February 26th 2024
  • 85 % since February 29th 2024
  • 95 % since March 27th 2024
  • 90% since April 1st 2024
  • 85% since May 8th 2024

I am also a member of the Strake Foundation and stay available for any questions on :

  • Discord at https://discord.gg/Arkcoin
  • Reddit at https://www.reddit.com/r/ArkEcosystem/

DPoS depends on you, ARK is yours !

Copyright 2024 ItsANameToo