Address: ATK14wxyYxbELq2b91bAfBY8Vmh9J6MDej
Rank 38
Voters 141
Vote Weight 660,109 Ѧ
Shares Rewards
Payout 75%
Payout min 0.001 Ѧ
Payout Max 0 Ѧ
Payout Interval 24h
ARKDelegates Update Created on: 2021-05-18 19:50:40

ARKDelegates has been updated to include new identicon generation and overall performance improvements. The API and delegate overview page are now much more responsive.

Discord Bot Created on: 2021-05-18 19:49:42

Created a bot for the ARK discord that provides a variety of functions including a devnet faucet, crypto conversions, quick access to delegate information and a profit calculator. You can find it in the #delegates and #community_bots channels

ARKDelegates contribution changes Created on: 2020-03-22 13:48:54

Updated the way in which the "contributes" metric is displayed on the website, by making it based on the days since the last contribution.

ARK Fees | Fee metrics, calculators and network info for ARK Created on: 2019-08-21 11:12:24

Hey everyone, delegate ARKLand and ItsANameToo have just released the updated version of The new version not only contains the calculators we had before, but also has general information about the ARK network and even statistics (e.g. fees used in the last 24 hours, the amount of full blocks, etc) There will be other features added in the future, such as charts and other cool things we won’t disclose just yet. We hope you enjoy using it!

Delegate Website Created on: 2019-07-24 18:58:58

Created my delegate website from scratch to show delegate information, contributions and payout details (e.g. pending balances) for voters

GitHub Winner #1 - July Created on: 2019-03-24 11:51:05

First place in July's GitHub bounty:

TBW Payout script - Ploutos Created on: 2019-03-24 11:51:05

Developed a true block weight payout script in collaboration with arkx called Ploutos: It's open source and can be configured to anybody's preferences.

Ark Desktop Wallet v2 Created on: 2019-03-24 11:51:05

Helped develop the new Ark Desktop Wallet v2, together with the Ark team

Vanir plugin Created on: 2019-03-24 11:51:05

A plugin for delegates to make it easier to forge their own transactions:

ACF Test Suite Created on: 2019-03-24 11:51:05

Created the test suite for the official ARK Explorer

GitHub Winner #2 - September Created on: 2019-03-24 11:51:05

Second place in September's GitHub bounty :

GitHub Winner #2 - October Created on: 2019-03-24 11:51:05

Second place in October's Github bounty:

GitHub Winner #1 - December Created on: 2019-03-24 11:51:05

First place in December's GitHub bounty:

GitHub Winner #2 - January Created on: 2019-03-24 11:51:05

Second place in January's GitHub Bounty:

Hermod script Created on: 2019-03-24 11:51:05

A script to monitor your node and notify you of any issues with it. It also contains a snapshot module to make it easier to create and maintain backups of the node. This was developed together with delegate Arkland

GitHub Winner #2 - February Created on: 2019-03-24 11:51:05

Second place in February's GitHub bounty: (

GitHub Winner #1 - March Created on: 2019-03-24 11:51:05

First place in March's GitHub bounty:

GitHub Winner #2 - May Created on: 2019-03-24 11:51:05

Second place in May's GitHub bounty:

GitHub Winner #3 - June Created on: 2019-03-24 11:51:05

Third place in June's GitHub bounty:

Copyright 2024 ItsANameToo