Address: Aa74QyqAFBsevReox3rMWy6FhMUyJVGPop
Rank 99999
Voters 8669
Vote Weight 221,242 Ѧ
Shares Rewards
Payout 0%
Payout min 0 Ѧ
Payout Max 0 Ѧ
Payout Interval 24h
Increased share to 85% + TBW License fees Created on: 2021-01-17 19:04:56

Cryptology has increased it's share to 85% voting rewards + 100% of the Cryptology TBW script licence fees.

New sharing setup - up to 80%! Created on: 2019-10-21 04:23:16

The survival of ARK as a project will benefit from having lot's of people who own (and use) a small number of ARK instead of depending on only a few very large holders (whales). To stimulate and support small wallets I will share a higher % with them.

  • 50% sharing on all wallets > 750 ARK
  • 80% sharing on all wallet <= 750 ARK
Created on: 2018-09-14 11:46:13

New payout script I have created and implemented a new True Block Weight payout script that introduces the concept of "Fair Fees".

Fair Fees Currently cryptology has 34 daily payouts to give each of the voters their part of the 90% share:

Each voter's payout costs the same, independent to the size of their payout (0.1 ARK) and this is a burden for smaller voters.

To make the fees fair for these smaller voters I have programmed the payout script to distribute the fees evently over all wallets by vote size: A whale voter who receives 10% of the share now also pays 10% of the total payout fees. Smaller voters pay smaller fees. This is fair for smaller voters.

To compensate the whales for their skewed fee contribution I have rerouted all delegate payouts to be forged by cryptology and assure that all fees paid for the payouts are alse forged back for our share pool. The 10% whale from the example above will also receive 10% of his share of these fees in the next payment round. This makes it fair for the larger voters.

example No Fair Fees a 10% voter of a 34 voters pool would pay 0.1 ARK in fees

a 0.1% voter of a 34 voters pool would pay 0.1 ARK in fees

Fair Fees a 10% voter of a 34 voters pool pays 0.34 ARK in fees but receives 0.306 ARK as part of his share the following day: effectively paying only 0.034 ARK in fees and benefits 0.066 ARK over no Fair Fees.

a 0.1% voter of a 34 voters pool pays 0.0034 ARK in fees and receives 0.00306 ARK as part of his share the following day: effectively paying only 0.00034 ARK in fees and benefits 0.09966 ARK over no Fair Fees.

Lower Daily Payout threshold Because ther eare virtually no fees to be paid anymore we have now lowered the payout threshold to 0.25 ARK (from 0.5 ARK).

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