Address: AU1TGCYoWzBnGMyMK9GTS8BG6EFbgc5xxC
Rank 14
Voters 388
Vote Weight 740,984 Ѧ
Shares Rewards
Payout 85%
Payout min 0 Ѧ
Payout Max 0 Ѧ
Payout Interval 24h
Core-Vote Major Update Created on: 2022-07-17 23:03:29

The core-vote package has been re-written with async and total reward calculation - a much smarter logic considering voting effect on all addresses.

Multi-Address Vote Monitoring Tool Created on: 2022-05-28 22:38:03

Released a new Multi-Address Vote Monitoring Tool. It runs in Linux CLI (Bash) with optional Web Front-End. Check it out @

Core control for Core 3.1 Created on: 2022-01-31 23:25:36

Core control has been updated for Core 3.1. Old plugins have been removed and Alessio's rocket-boot has been added.

Tools Updated Created on: 2021-09-22 18:56:09

Core-control for Core 3.0 is now available for ark mainnet in both npm and git install version. Vote-check has added functionality to use dutch team's api to get an updated list of public delegates and filter by the ones paying close to their advertised percentages.

New CLI-based Reward Calculator Created on: 2021-01-10 23:44:56

I built a new CLI-based Reward Calculator. It uses a static list of sharing delegates percentages so you can leave only your favorite ones in the config. The tool is available at

Updates Created on: 2020-11-13 19:52:51

Devnet tools updated for Core 3.0. Alternative ARK explorer available at

Updates Created on: 2020-09-26 00:02:52

Tools updated for Core 2.7

Core-Conrtol Update Created on: 2020-06-17 17:23:48

Core-Conrtol updated with support for the core-chameleon plugin.

Updates Created on: 2020-03-28 19:10:52

Both tools fully updated for Core 2.6 along with multiple fixes and improvements. Visit the github pages for more details.

DPoS Monitoring Tool for Multiple Delegates Across Multiple Networks Created on: 2019-05-18 01:47:58

Core v2 Management Tool Created on: 2019-03-24 11:51:05

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