Address: Abi3CE3k7XzYGtLjG7toZ5fF31stSmW55H
Rank 7
Voters 524
Vote Weight 941,714 Ѧ
Shares Rewards
Payout 40%
Payout min 0 Ѧ
Payout Max 0 Ѧ
Payout Interval 24h

Hi everyone, my name is Oleg. Already for 12 years I have been doing ui/ux design. And for the last 6 years I've been working as a designer in ARK team and participating in all projects.

Quarkpool is a public pool with an 40% award for everyone . The pool has been consistently paying out rewards for 6 years to its constituents. You can receive the reward every 24 hours or you can receive it individually to other addresses by contacting me in discord

Contacts discord @olejegcord

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